Title: Save The World
Album: Save The World
Written and recorded by Doc Starrduck
Year: 2010
License: Free Art License
download, copy, burn, distribute, c ' is free and legal!
I do not know about you, but I have the impression that the world share in testicle
It started during World War I, ca widened September 11
Now that Wall Street and the World civilization collapses
in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, war is declared
IMF addresses the European peoples in the name of the financial crisis
It suppresses human rights in the name of the fight against terrorism is
abusing undocumented immigrants as if they were guilty when they are victims of the crisis
The government of the world operate as a gang
they steered money to enrich peoples' banks
In European Union conspired against the people is legal
They even imposed a constitution anti-social
Look, Listen, this is not only an impression
When the French Républic responds to LKP
1789,1848,1917 by repression, the people made the revolution to take power
not to live in submission
in Africa are dying of hunger and disease, but what happens?
I'm white but I know see the truth in front
Still no independence in Africa
It is time that the colonizer break
LKP are needed everywhere, it is the class struggle
capitalist or Stalinist Democracy is ca nothing
Those elected will decide nothing
The economic system is diabolical, Satanic, Luciferian
In all cases it is not really human
In the future without a credit card you buy anything
is written in the Bible: "666" looks good
The system is really not normal
And since 2009 he arrives at his tombstone
No democracy political organizations or
union workers are more independent
It became the "social partners" of management and government
Chérèque, Thibault make "dialogue Social
with Sarkozy as the ETUC in Europe, and the AFL-CIO with the Democratic Party of the United States
I speak not of unionism in Afghanistan, South America or China
Those who claim to support their family put in jail or they are murdered
The Russian Revolution has been betrayed by the dictator Stalin
He killed those that built the Bolshevik party like in a horror movie
Activists Fight Workers and the NPA are just impostors
For them the ideas of Trotsky are worthless
Catholic Church, the Vatican, are neither a Christian nor a believer
Especially that they like it our children to abuse them sexually
How ready pedophile, and how family victim?
Counts in the world and after lying if I said
Benedict XVI, former Young Hitler is the seventh pope sovereign
With Mussolini fascist who has put up nothing
invent the next pope is antichrist according to the Bible
And YES, it is eighth on the list
It is imperialism
End of Days
The Apocalypse of capitalism for the economy
Satanist I am not a Christian, Jew or Muslim
Even less Satanist
As our bankers and our government
What 'm interested in is helping people
Saving the world from our leaders
Waging war is not intelligent
Yet that is what the U.S. offers to make more money
Undemocratic, the government is already global up
Just look at the IMF, U.S. in the face
They prepare "austerity plan" throughout Europe
And Iran war
To resist, to organize there is no age Join
Workers Unity supported by the LKP and help share the message
Doc Starrduck New Album: Save The World
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