Thursday, January 20, 2011

Online Game Poptropicana

Sanpo Manabe and Shima, Florent Chavouet.

Over the years, Japan is a country that fascinates me more. By its culture so different from ours, their language, their ancestral customs and so many other things. (Including Japanese dramas, which are mostly UFO TV)

So, I have always been attracted to unusual travel books Florent Chavouet, and I began with Tokyo Sanpo.

This is not what one might call a traditional travel book, the point of view is different, and the author tells us very quickly. Arriving in Japan in the wake of his girlfriend, who is an internship for 6 months, the author arms himself with a bicycle, colored pencils and paper and sketched small scenes of life, according to his walks.

The book is divided through the neighborhoods visited, themselves represented by their Koban, a small police station in the variable architecture.

often accompanied by small drawings are funny comments, details not essential but which are more interesting. From food to clothing, characters encountered in buildings, we explore a colorful and cosmopolitan Tokyo, far from tourist routes. The Tokyo Florent Chavouet simply.

Sanpo Tokyo is the kind of book one likes to read, then reopen another day at random, just to find a little story and get to read everything, because we can not help it.

Manabe Shima is my favorite of the two.

The difference with the first book, is that here the author manages, by chance, because he insisted on spending time on one of the many islands of Japan , on the island of Manabe Shima. He intends to stay two months.
sort of mapping of the island, but also of its inhabitants, he exudes a kind of affection for the place of childlike curiosity and fascination of this album that really touched me. I have read (and seen, since here, still full of drawings with colored pencils), the book in one go, turned right and left pages to not lose a crumb of information and text, and the finished book, still open on my lap, I wanted to go pack my bags and myself from a small island like that.

Between cats scrappy, endearing little old, outstanding personalities, it a book more human. Where Tokyo Sanpo focused more on the city and the architecture here is more the islanders that characterize them.

few small images, to make you want to you too.


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