Thursday, August 5, 2010

Blueberry Baby Shower

The doctor is thus a hermeneutic,

The doctor is thus a hermeneutic, a translator and interpreter of dreams symbolic messages that the patient sees in the night of his depth.
's action in this regard Jung joined that of the ancient shamans and medicine men. They also seek, through their own methods (trance, oracular techniques, etc..), To discern what the "spirits", that is to say, the unconscious or some activated complex, want patients to the then by appeasing rituals correspondents: Atonement, sacrifices, etc.. or, where these spirits can not be related to the conscious personality, to hunt them.
The shaman can not do that because he himself faced the spirit world, the unconscious, during his initiatory sickness, and for that reason, he understands the language of spirits and beasts.
It does not heal by itself, it leaves open the healing encounter with divine powers.

Marie-Louise von Franz
CG Jung, His Myth in Our Time


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