After aspects "less" of me have been made conscious and integrated, we see generally appear in the unconscious, the figure of the opposite sex. If consciousness gives predominance to the appearance of logos life, as is usually the case in humans, the appearance of Eros is personified in dreams by female figures, and, conversely, when the ego gives supremacy to the element of eros life, which is the most common in women, we see the present male personifications. The unconscious images of the opposite sex are designated by Jung's word anima in men and animus in women. The anima manifests its presence in humans, mostly in the form of humors or dispositions of soul, erotic fantasies, impulses or desires to live; the animus in women is more like impulse to act, initiative, speeches, opinions, beliefs or ideas independent. These components sex personality form a bridge for the relationship with the opposite sex (mostly in the form of projection), but they also constitute a significant obstacle to understanding the partner or the partner. Indeed, the anima usually causes irritation in humans and the animus in women and in this lies the famous feud between the sexes. Most marital problems have their source there.
Marie-Louise von Franz
CG Jung, His Myth in Our Time
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