Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Cellular Respiration Pinball

challenge and key quotes. The collection

Irregular launched this very nice challenge, and suddenly I take this already to tell you to register, because it is very well thought out, more than c ' is rather easy to get started, and that love, it's worth a challenge right?

And suddenly, talking about love, and I'm in a good mood, I love you my favorite quotes:)

"Love, is half believe "Victor Hugo.
" Love is a unique opportunity to mature, taking shape, to become itself a world for the love of the beloved. It is a high requirement, boundless ambition, that makes him who loves a politician required by this broad. "Rilke.
" Love like a giddy as a sacrifice, and as the last word of all . Alain Fournier.
"Being in love is to create a religion whose god is fallible. Jorge Louis Borges.
"Infinitely more than anything" is the name of childish love, her first name, his name secret. "Christian Bobin" "A single woman when she is in love enough to fill heaven and earth. "Christian Bobin
" Love is your last chance. There's really nothing else on earth to keep you there. "Aragon
" Love is being selfish can be together. "Marcel Achard.
" What that love? It is above all not to ask that question. "Louis Gauthier.
" The worst suffering is no longer able to love. "Fyodor Dostoyevsky.

and a last one, Tolstoy, in the mouth Levine, who remains one of my favorite fictional characters: "" Freedom? Why freedom? Happiness for me is to love, poor, to have no more thoughts or desires other than its own, so it is the negation of freedom, and that's happiness "

Love like vertigo, as a sacrifice, and as the last word of all.
Love is a unique opportunity to mature, taking shape, become itself a world for the love of the beloved. It is a high requirement, boundless ambition, that makes him who loves a politician required by this broad. Love is a unique opportunity to mature, taking shape, to become itself a world for the sake of being loved. It is a high requirement, boundless ambition, that makes him who loves a politician required by this broad.


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