Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Image Of Vargina Wide Open

Isabel Wolff and reflections on the chick lit '

I have a period of my life not so far away, read a lot of what is called in some ugly I find the "chick lit". Besides the fact that it is involved in this thing to want to classify all costs in narrow spaces and cramped anything and everything from books to manga through the comics, I find the term pretty ugly.
Because in the chick lit ', there is like any other kind of things to catch and throw. Isabel Wolff for example, has beautiful writing stories with plots generally agreed enough (warning this book is an exception, I would explain later), it nevertheless remains an author not nice enough to follow. His books are often funny, tender, and well put together. Just as I liked Bridget Jones's Diary and The Edge of Reason, there are certain books of "chick lit" that deserve some attention. And I find it unfortunate that Because a label that makes some people think that literature is a condensed snapshot of a heroine from enjoying a cosmopolitan with her girlfriends talking rags, looking for the ideal man / rich / beautiful / smart / who lends his credit card through shopping sprees to pull the arigot ... So yes, there are books like that. (I am not criticizing, I've read) But there are other books with a little more.
And those whom I love and I continue to read. When the story is more detailed, there is a je ne sais quoi that will look beyond the love story, (although I love the story amouuuur) it is a reflection and not a desire to ride the wave of success of such an opus.

short, after this introductory block, here are my views on One love vintage. If
well as usual with Isabel Wolff a heroine who is recovering from a broken heart (rather mysterious at first), it is primarily the story of another love. And not one that included a foppish. No, the love of vintage (like the title if you have any follow-up: p) The heroine, Phoebe, opened a boutique selling vintage, and especially sharing his love towards clothing already "beloved." And when an old lady called to offer him some parts to buy, she does not suspect that this is a friendly match that will happen. The years separating the two beautiful women, they have the same kind of bruising. That Phoebe may be summarized in a hat, not for sale, which sits in his shop. A hat of a designer disappeared. That of Teresa it is concentrated in a blue cloak of a child. A coat that he had made his mother, and a pink collar.

course, to all that is being added to other characters, and a love story, a real, not the person is believed to begin with. There is a nice gallery of secondary characters. And of course ... Dresses and clothing. The cupcakes prom dress in bright colors, each of which will find "the chosen one", those who were made to wear them. The stories of women and girls who come to admire, buy, or give up dresses, for better return.

This is where the novel is charming, he recalls that behind some clothes, there is a story. At a time, these clothes were not ready to throw it today. So as we dream before a wedding dress that belonged to a grandmother, I dreamed reading this book.


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