You may have already guessed, I am a big fan of Agatha Christie. Fascinating woman if any, as much through his work, a vast and varied as its life.
I had already read a biography on her, but I found his autobiography at the library the other day ... then necessarily
Autobiography then, and suddenly, biased. And if other authors take the bias, often without honor, to say everything in their life, Agatha Christie announced early color. It speaks only of the things she will delight in remembering.
So a tour through his memory that the reader is about to begin.
Agatha's parents were married for love, because he seems pretty happy for the time. His mother was in love with his father since his childhood. The age difference between them has never seemed to be a problem.
As a child of Agatha Christie is charming. She seems to have lived in her little girl fantasy world, creating and animating characters, speaking only for long hours. We feel the beginnings of a dawning future as a novelist's imagination is already any child being unrestrained.
Despite the money problems of his parents settled from some time abroad, particularly in France, where life is cheaper, it seems to keep her childhood memories sweet and tender.
His mother, a character quite important to the life of the little girl seems to be a strange creature, led by head shots, bursts of imagination, crazy ideas.
the death of his father, life changes for the girl. She will complete her education in various schools, to break into the world in Egypt, and fall in love several times before meeting Archibald Christie and become engaged to him.
War arrives and while her boyfriend entered the Air Force, she works with nurses. It will end up in the preparation of medicines, and suddenly, to form a solid background on poisons and whatnot of this kind, which will serve him well later.
Coming soon writing his first novel, and some success, and after a disaster, family, and the death of his mother, his failed marriage to Archibald Christie. (I also hated, yet Agatha Christie seems to say that it's her fault if her marriage failed, but personally I found the portrait of her husband so daunting. Rather fickle and selfish.)
As issued after a marriage that will leave him a daughter, Agatha goes to Baghdad, no less! What courage for a woman this time to go exploring and only ... It was during this trip she will make the acquaintance of her future husband Max (which I like much more than the first!)
The rest of the book, although very interesting, seems a bit difficult to evoke . She talks about her life with Max, archeology, the second world war.
What I remember about this autobiography is a portrait of a woman ahead of her time, very intelligent and fertile imagination, courage uncommon. A woman who has experienced the first airplane flight, the arrival of the car (there are passages relating thereto, which I loved), a fierce reader (Dickens, Shakespeare, and many others. ), and most importantly, someone I know loved it! This appears the most to me is that closing the book I thought, what a pity not to have had the pleasure of chatting with her. (And suddenly, hey presto, I wanted to find Tuppence, Poirot or Jane Marple that dear!)
You will find a more pointed and interesting review than mine (really, I think I'm a bit sloppy at times, I'll have it working!) in Maggie
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